Um den letzten FETCH -Status eines bestimmten Cursors abzurufen, führen Sie eine Abfrage der fetch _status-Spalte in der dynamischen Verwaltungsfunktion sys. To retrieve the last fetch status of a specific cursor , query the fetch _status column of the sys. FETCH _STATUS function determines whether FETCH keyword has successfully retrieved a row from the current cursor.

We can use it with a cursor. However, sometimes, you may want to process a data set on a row by row basis. This is where cursors come into play. What is a database cursor. A database cursor is an object that enables traversal over the rows of a result set.
It allows you to process individual row returned by a query. SQL Server cursor life cycle. These are steps for using a. You have a variety of problems. Secon you are not selecting your inner Cursor into anything.

And I cannot think of any circumstance where you would select all fields in this way - spell them out! Folder has a primary. In my T-SQL code I always use set based operations. I know cursors exist but I am not sure how to use them.
Can you provide some cursor examples ? So, it might be getting updated from another cursor that is running at the same time. Therefore, it might be returning status of another cursor fetch in your cursor loop. TSQL Tutorial: Fetch cursor - Learn how to retrieve rows from a Transact-SQL server cursor.
CLOSE : It is used to close a cursor. DEALLOCATE : It is used to delete a cursor and releases all resources used by cursor. You can use this function with while loop. When it returns it.
FETCH_STATUS system function return or 1. Ask Question Asked years, month ago. Active years, month ago. I’ve created a simple cursor in a stored procedure. The cursor simply iterates all the rows of a table.
The following nested cursors consist of an outer cursor for purchase orders header info and an inner cursor for the details of each purchase order. It is an example for MS SQL nested cursor loop. Verwenden eines Cursors mit dynamischem SQL in einer gespeicherten Prozedur (5) Ich habe eine dynamische SQL-Anweisung, die ich in einer gespeicherten Prozedur erstellt habe.
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